Sunday, January 28, 2007

she missed all the fun years

Gravelly News by Glenna Goodson

A passenger in a taxi tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him something. The driver screamed, lost control ofthe cab, nearly hitting a bus, drove over the curb, and stopped just inches from a large plate glass window.For a few moments everything was silent in the cab,then the driver said,"Please don't ever do that again. You scared the daylights out of me."The passenger, who was also frightened, apologized and said he didn't realize that a tap on the shoulder could frighten him so much, to which the driver replied:"I'm sorry, it's really not your fault at all. Today is my first day of driving a cab. I have been driving a HEARSE for the last 25 years!"

In talking to Chuck McCool in Fowler's last week, he and I were talking about his mother's and my generation growing up without electricity. He said one time when his son James was about 6 years old he asked his grandmother,"Nanny, did you have electricity when you were my age and when she told hm "No" he asked"Well, Nanny how did you use your microwave?"

A couple of nights last week, after I went to bed, my feet were so very cold and no matter what I did I could not seem to get them warm .My mind went back to when I was a girl growing up in Yell County, Ar in the country where we had no electricity and no heat in the bedrooms.I would go to bed under at least 12 quilts to keep me warm and Mama would heat two irons on the wood stove, wrap them in towels and out them to my feet. I wished forthose irons at my feet the other night.

In one of my cousin, Billy Highfill's e-mail last week he was telling me about the snow they had in Tulsa the week before. It reminded him of when Aunt Dora and Uncle Loy moved from Gravelly to Bixby when he was a teen-ager.They moved their milch cow from Gravelly to Bixby. Billy had graduated from high school and gone to work at Sinclair Oil Co. in Tulsa.They had a big snow storm in Bixby and Tulsa and his Mom looked out their dining room window and saw their cow lying on a clump of snow. Aunt Dora told him that was a sign that it would come another big snow before that snow melted. Well, Billy told the people in his office andthey thought it was very funny.Billy was so sure it would come another snow but that snow melted with out another snow coming. Billy said he was so disappointed because for the first time he saw that the old timers at Gravelly were not always correct with their weather predictions!!

I talked by phone to my grandson's wife,who lives in Kansas, last week.Heather is hired by the school system in Mulvane as an interpreter for the deaf in middle school. She also interprets for her church and for neighborhood groups, as they have political meetings or just meetings that are social. I am so proud of Heather and she loves her job.

Bill Workman, of Gravelly,can sure make good stew. He also makes good burgers--just as you like them. I was watching Mrs. Workman cook pizza she had made and boy, it looked good. Bill's place is open until about 5 each day, so come in and check it out. Also a coke machine will be at his place, outside by next weekend. Bill told me it will have water, orange juice, etc.besides the cokes. I really love Dr. Pepper and I was drinking one at his place whle I ate a hamburger and I was tellng Bill that my blood sugar was pretty high. He says"Well, when you get that Dr. Pepper fnished, be sure you get another one, cause that is really good for your blood sugar!!!

Johnny Turner had surgery last week to remove a blockage in his neck. Johnny saidthe surgery was a success for which I am thankful. I was sad that Johnny has not felt well in a long time and didn't even feel like teasing me!!

I have spoken to my friend, Melba Reed, in St. Josepoh's hospital, a couple oftimes since her surgery last week. Her colon surgery went well andthe doctor said there was no more sign of cancer--that they believe they removed it all. Praise the Lord!!

I have written in my column before that my sister, Kathy Minnie, in our Eastern Star is the grand representative of Australia in Ar. She is planning for her and Lacey to travel to Australia this summer. I really hope she gets to go--sure wish I could go to Australia--do you thing Lacey would let me take his place?No way!!

Saturday, I talkedto my cousin Calton Highfill and his wife Lucille who live in Carrollton, Texas. Calton and I were remembering a tornado that came in the early'40's through Gravelly.It blew the Mulberry Church away and also most of my Uncle Willie's house, next to the church.Calton was reminding me that they were in the cellar and Uncle Loy had a rope tied to the cellar door and he and Billy helped Uncle Loy hold that door down. I remember that my grandfather Copeland was visiting us. He and alll my family except my Dad had gone to the cellar. My Dad usually did not go to the cellar cause it seemed Mama went every time it thundered. My grandfather ran back to the house and came back with my Dad. He had seen the tornado coming and told Daddy he'd better come to the cellar.POart of Uncle Loy's house was blown down but our only didsaster was the roof of our barn was blown off. Kathy wasn't born then so she doesn't have those memories. I tell her she came along so late thatshe missed all the fun years Bob and I had but I really don't think a tornado was one ofthose fun times!

Remember, nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission!!

Monday, January 22, 2007

What A Friend We Have in Jesus

Gravelly news by Glenna Goodson

A man and his wife are awakened at 3 o'clock in the morning by a loud pounding on the door. The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger stands in the pouring down rain. "Can you give me a push?" he asks while hanging onto the door frame. "Not a chance": says the husband--it's 3 o'clock in the moring!" he slams the door and returns to bed. "Who was it?" asks his wife. "Just some drunk wanting a push" he answers. "Did you help him?" she asks. "No, I didn't--it's 3 o'clock in the morning and raining like crazy out." "Well you have a short memory," says his wife. "Can't you remember about three months ago when we broke down oin vacation and those two strangers helped us? I think you should help him." The man does as he is told and gets dressed and goes out into the pounding rain and calls out into the dark,"Hello, are you still there?" "Yes" comes the answer. "Do you still want a push?" asks the husband. "Yes, please!" comes the reply from the dark. "Where are you?" asks the husband. "Over here on the swing!" the drunk replies.

Did you ever wonder how come when you mix flour and water together, you get glue and when you add eggs and sugar you get cake--where does the glue go? The glue makes the cake stick to our hips.

Loucinda and I went to Waldron last Thursday. My cousins Dortha and Peggy are moving to other apartments.The apartments are in the same complex but they are in a quieter area. We helped them unload some boxes from their cars and we loaded Loucinda's car with boxes and unloaded them at their new apartments. Their apartments are side by side and they are happy about that. Dortha is selling her piano so if you need a piano, call me at 299-4326 and I will let Dortha know.It's a nice piano with a really good sound. Loucinda had a beauty shop appointment so after we moved a fewe boxes, all of us went to eat at the Charbroiler. Then we unloadedsome boxes, I went with Loucinda to get her hair cut and then she took me to the grocery store. All in all we had a good day!

My dear friend since 7th grade, Melba Reed, writer of Aly news, will have colon surgery this coming Thursday.The surgery will be at St. Joseph's hospital at Hot Springs. The cancerous area will be removed. The doctors believe the cancer is contained in this one area so we need to pray that this is true and all the cancer will be removed.. Melba desires our prayers.

Today, Saturday, was the funeral of Waylan Defoor's grandson who was shot to death in Russellville the beginning of this week. My sympathy and love goes out to Waylan and the rest of the family. I told my sister if it were my grandson, I would cry forever. It is so sad.

Coming back from Ola, Friday, I remembered that Kim, at the Plainview Auto place had told me when I got gasoline to come let her check the oil, since the week before when she checked it, I had to have 3 quarts of oil. Well, Kim, put a couple of quarts of oil under her arm and took off to my car. When she measured the oil, she says, "You have no oil in your car." She put 3 quarts of oil in and some stop leak. A;lso my power steering was low and she put in power steering fluid. Kium is an angel in disguish.

I saw Midge and Don Whitlock at Fowlers Friday. Don said he "believed" it was 7 stints the Doctor has placed in his heart. The heart medicine Midge takes could have deadly side effects so the doctor took her off the medicine and she will go to a hospital in L.R. the first part of February, where they will do tests to see if she can stay off the medicine. I pray that Midge can stay off the medicine. She gave me two oranges and they were really good.

I visited the Adventist Church in Ola, Saturday. It had been a couple of months since I had seen my friends there and I was so glad to see them. Kelly Virbel, the Sandberg's niece, told me she decided to use Google on her computer and run her name t osee what she could find. The only thing that came up was two of my columns where I had talked about Kelly!!That is funny!! The sermon was by Joe Harrison and it blessed my heart. Joe was dressed as a Jew in the time of Jesus. Joe Jew showed us so well what he, as a Jew, learned from Jesus.Bo Hutchison played the piano and sang a good song and Dr. Sandberg played the guitar and sanf "What A Friend We Have in Jesus." It was a great service!!

At the church in Wing, Sunday, we studied 2nd Kings, 3rd. chapter. We had 2 of the King boys come to our services and we were glad to see them. Then on down to Rover to my church, I go. We had good singing--Bil and janette Milligan sang a special. Bro. Shipley brought a wonderful message from God's word so I had a wonderful Lord's Day. A lady at my church, Gene Morrison, always says, "I love you, Glenna.:" In this cold, unloving world, Gene always makes me know God still has those that show love.

Remember this "Just cause you put boots in the oven, doesn't make them biscuits."(things are not always as they seem).

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The family in the house was having a feast!

Gravelly News by Glenna Goodson

A farmer was unloading hay into his barn when a guy in a fancy car drove up. The man got out of his car, introduced himself andsays,"I'm from the the U.S. Department of Agriculture. I need to ask you some questions about your farm."So the faarmer answered the questions and the fellow said," Now, I need to walk around your farm."The farmer said "O.K. but stay away from the N. pasture."THe guy pulled a card from his pocket and said"I am from the State Dept. of Agriculture, and I will go where I please." The farmer said"O.K." and went back to work. In a few minutes, the farmer heard the guy yelling and looked to see a big, angry bull chasing the man. He got over the fence just in time and told the farmer,"that bull almost got me!" The farmer said "Maybe you should have showed him your CARD."

I saw Chuck McCool Friday at Fowlers in Plainview, He shared the good news that his son,James, not only got a University scholarship from Ar. Tech, but he also got a Presidential scholarship. I congratulate James.

I learned from Melba Reed that my friend Meechie Mabry, is finally on the way to recovery, after his confrontation with a bull, several months ago.Meechie has had a long seige of pain and not being able to walk without help. Meechie I hope you are still reading my column and know I am thinking about you..

I went to see Betty Lampkin of Bluffton last week. I took her two books I had bought in OKC. One was written by our favprote mystery writer, Patterson. Betty is my dear friend that is always there when I need to talk.

The Bill Workman's of Gravelly are purchasing more goods for us to buy from their store. They also are very good cooks. Mrs. Workman can really make wonderful Nacho Supremes.Sunday after church at Rover, Philip and Peggy Robinson, Loiese and Harold Gillum and I came to the Workman's to eat fried chicken and all the trimmings!Gee, it was good!!Also Paul Wiggins came in to eat with a couple of friends.

Guess what?Iam writing a book. I have chosen as my title. "Who I Am." Do you like the title?

Kathy took such good care of my cat, Sister, that she has really gotten fat. She was glad to finally get back into the house.

I have journeyed to Dr. Sandberg's office twice this week. I have impetigo on my forehead and have medication for that. Then I came in frm Eastern Star Monday night, and found I had no heat. My propane tank was empty, so I slept cold and Tuesday my cold was back full force--infected sinuses, infected eyes, runny nose. So I get a shot and more medication. Gee, it may be forever before I get to visit with Loucinda because she does not want my cold. I wouldn't wish this cold on my worst enemy!!!

Cold, icy weather is all around us. Roy Austin tells me that the weather forecast he saw says we are also to have icy weather and I telll him the weather I watched says it's only in NW Ar. and that we will miss it--he says "just wait.", but I sure hope I am right. Mycousin Billy Highfill sent me an e-mail concerning icy weather as we remember it as children. See if the following words remind you of the early 40's, if you were a kid then. Billy writes--"By mid-week, the radio-if the batteries were up- might say the forecast for central Ar. will be cloudy with the possibility of cold rain and snow moving in. The parents would start with"You boys get the wood on the front porch, with some extra, so it doesn't get covered up and frozen together and hard to get in the house."To verify the forecast we would watch the animals .When they were out, they would stand face down, facing the southeast with the cold N. wind blowing by the northside. Then Mom would go to the smoke house, pull down a shoulder and a ham, move it to the back porch for easy access. As morning came, we closed the door ofthe chicken house and on the way in, pick p a chicken or two and move them to the back porch. Then Mom would have one ofthe little children reach under the bed and get canned green beans, corn, peas, peaches and apples. With basic supplies in the house, animals in the barn, the family in the house was having a feast!" I'm afraid we would not make it so well if we had another ice storm. See, the "good ole days" were better.

I had to miss the homecoming, Friday night at F.V. cause I was sick. I sure wanted to go. The Workmans told me that our Jr. boys lost their basketball game but our Jr. and Sr girls and Sr. boys won their games. The Workman's granddaughter was the Jr. high homecoming queen.

Leslie Harvey e-mailed me that he and June have painted their house--he says the second time in 100 years. June has 4 of her immediate family in the military and she especially wanted an American Flag visible so they erected a large, beautiful flag. on the S. end of their house.

I stopped at the Plainview Auto and Farm store last week. My car has a bad oil leak, and I just had a feeling I'd better get some oil.Kim Yates is wonderful and so kind to me. She says "You just put your money on the counter and I will go put this oil in your car for you. She started with two quarts andcame back in and said she would have to get another quart to fill it up. I really appreciate Kim, cauee she certainly would not have to do that for me.

Remember, you are the only Bible some people read!!