Monday, August 27, 2007

The Dish people came out

ravelly News by Glenna Goodson

Joe loved to sing in his church choir. It was a large church and a very large choir. Joe never missed a rehearsal nor did he ever miss a church service. There was just one thing wrong---Joe could NOT sing--and he sang very loud!!. The other choir members were very upset and threatened to quit the choir if the music director did not dismiss Joe. The director suggested to Joe other ministries he could perform in the church instead of the choir but Joe always said "No, I want to sing in the choir." Some ofthe choir members had quit the choir and being desperate. the music director met with the pastor. He told the pastor if he could not get Joe out of the choir, he was going to resign as music director. So the pastor met with Joe and told him he needed
to quit singing in the choir. Joe replies that he loves to sing in the choir and the pastor says,"I have had 50 people tell me you cannot sing." Joe replies, "Fifty people have told me you cannot preach and you're still here."

It has been suggested by at least a couple of people that I quit "beating up:" Hillary in my jokes. Well if Jay Leno and Letterman can beat up on our elected officials, it seems as if I can too. It's just in fun!! If some think I should give Hillary a rest, you are welcome to e-mail me with jokes about someone else. My e-mail address is

I am reminded that we as adults are to be champions for our children. We should not look the other way when children are being neglected or abused. When very young children are being left at home alone you should report this to the authorities. When you see small children left alone in a vehicle, take that tag number and report the incident.When you know children are being abused or neglected, report this to the DHS. I don't know if Yell County is as strict as OK county, but when I taught school in OKC we teachers were told to report any neglect or abuse of any child and we did not have to leave our name. Our little ones cannot take up for themselves so we must care about them!!!

At Bill Workman's store, several of us sit around and wait for Chuck to come with the Record on Wednesdays. We start waiting at 12:00 and last week it was 1:20 when Chuck arrived.Some were saying,"he broke down,": "he was flooded out"(even though it had not rained) but his stops just took longer. I told him he was the most popular guy around!!

My cousins, Dortha Putman and Peggy Brothers worked for their brother, Fred Copeland in Waldron for a few weeks. Fred is director of the Waldron Housing Authority. He was short handed so the sisters helped out for a time.

Mamie Wagner Glover is having some tests conducted in Little Rock this week. She went home with her son, who lives in Benton, last weekend and he will take Mamie for her tests. One blood test revealed she was dangerously low in sodium. The Dr. immediately began getting sodium into her system. I tell you people all the time that our body has to have salt.This makes 4 people from around here that became very ill because of not enough sodium in their system..I don't know who started this craze of not eating salt, but it can be deadly.

My car finally would not start despite all my turning the key and stomping the brake, that had always worked before. One mechankic said that was voodo but ithad always worked--now it doesn't.So I had Tommy Metcalf come and tow my car to his garage in Bluffton.I feel sure Tommy will fix my car. My Dish system on my TV also went out , so no TV and no car! The Dish people came out from Russellville and in just a few minutes they said they had found the problem. They replaced the LNB on the Dish itself(whatever that is) But guess what? After playing for one day, it quit again. So another trip for the Dish people!!

My sister, Kathy Minnie, tells me that as of now, FV has 7 foreign exchange students. Some may come later.

Loucinda, my cousins, Dortha, Peggy and Ted Copeland all went to BobAaron and Mary Caviness" 50th anniversary celebration in Ft. Smith,Saturday. Loucinda said it seemed as if half of FV was there. The celebration was held at The Oaks in Ft. Smith.The food was catered and Loucinda said it was excellent. A good time was had by all.

Since I had no car, I could not go to my Rover church Sunday, where I was to play the piano. We were to have the Lord's Supper and baptism and I really hated to miss. I also missed teaching my Bible class n Wing. It was homecoming at Mulberry FWB church, so I prepared food to take and Ted, Dortha and Peggy picked me up to go to Mulberry. The singing and music was wonderful. Bro. David, the pastor, asked people to share their memories of early Homecomings.Mary Lou Rhoades shared how the women would cook for days to get food prepared. The men would hook up their horses to the wagons--they'd load up their food and come to the church. Mary Lou said she remembered how the men would unhookthe horses and try to find a shade for them. I remember all those good times too. Sunday, I was so glad to see Jimmie Don and Ronnie Lemons/ I had not seen them in several years.Jimmie Don started remembering the good times we teen-agers had at the Blue Hole--up the Blue Ball road. He said he remembered how I almost drowned Wayne (the oldest brother). I said it was because I could not swim and I kept pulling Wayne under when I would grab him.Jimmie Don said sometimes he'd ride his horse in the land up abovethe Blue Hole and the tall rock where most ofthe guys jumped from--He said he would ride his horse very fast onto the rock and the horse with him on its back, would jump into the Blue Hole.Ted played the piano for us. He played several songs for us and it was just great!! I enjoyed all the singng but I really loved hearing Charlotte Rhoades and her daughter, Brooke, sing a couple of specials. Charlotte sang one song that was my favorite--"I wish I had been there."Gee, it was just fabulous!!

Don't worry about tomorrow--God's already been there.

Monday, August 20, 2007

I stood in line of two hours

Gravelly news by Glenna Goodson

As with many funerals, it was a cloudy, rainy day. The deceased was a little old lady who had devoted her entire married life to fussing at her poor husband. When the graveside service had no more than terminated, there was a tremendous burst of thunder accompanied by a distant lightning bolt and more rumbling thunder. The little old man looked at the pastor and calmly said, "Well, she's there."

My son informed me that his Dad and I did not see Godzilla at the Scott Theatre in 1952 because tjhis movie had not been released in 1952. He said he had heard me talk about it andthe movie was King Kong., Gee, I am allowed to mix up movies of 55 years ago, don't you think?

Marissa Workman and Christen Beggs, cheerleaders at F.V. school, were chosen Cheerleader All Stars. They are elgible to go to London, England in December where they will meet with the other cheerleaders throughout the state. I'm hoping FV will have some fund raisers for these young ladies

I saw Alma Torrance at Sav-A-Sum acouple of weeks ago. The Sr. citizens had come to do some shopping from the Danville Center.. I was so glad to see Alma. I miss her and Ruby from the enter.When Barbara Dennis, the bus driver forthe center, had only Butterfly and me to pick up, the bus was not allowed to come pick up just 2 passengers.

I got a call from the former Mary McConnell of Modesta, Ca.last week. Mary wanted the phone number of the Nola store. She was hoiping they could have the McConnell family reunion there in October.

Peggy Jeys, of Ola, told me she had someone place a copy of the yell County Record in her mail box. She said it was so she could read my column. She says now she will subscribe to the paper, so hurrah!!

Friends tell me that the party the Promise Land group of Wing sponsored forthe ladies of the Valley was really well attended. My friends said they had a good time. I hope the next timethey meet, it will not be on my Eastern Start night so I can come..

John Meredith had another good letter in the Gazette last Thursday. It was really good reading.

Since school will begin for our Valley Monday, I am reminded how good it is that our children can go to a school where the mention of God is not banned.A high school boy from Arizona has written a poem about the law in his state of Arizona that prohibits any mention of God. I will not take up space with the entire poem but I want to share a few words----"If Scripture now the class recites, It violates the Bill of Rights--and anytime my head I bow--Becomes a Federal matter now. Our hair can be purple, orange or green-that's no offense, it's a freedom scene. The law is specific, the law is precise--Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice. It's scary here I must confess, when chaos reigns, the school's a mess--So Lord this silent plea I make--Should I be shot--my soul please take."

My younger son was attending Grant High School in OKC when a young man was shot and killed by another student, in the hall of the school. Years later, my grandson was in this same school and saw a young man holding a high school girl with a gun aimed at her head, threatening her life. Thankfully, the principal talked the boy into giving up the gun. So I am thankful for our schools in Yell County where this kind of thing does not happen. Would you like to guess what sentence this young man drew that killed the teen-age boy in school? He was told to leave the state--no jail time at all and he committed murder--Go figure!!!

Loucinda and I went to Danville Friday. I hadto go to the court house to assess my car and then on to get my car tag. At the tag office, the lady that waited on me told me she enjoyed my column in the Record and told me her very favorite joke.Loucindaand i went on to eat at Little John;s. While we were there, T.A. McConnell came in. I had taught T.A. at FV in 1952-53. and I was so gladto get to visit with him. In our conversation I learned T.A and his wife have been married for 46 years. They are members of Lanmark Missionary Baptist Church and have been for over 40 years. Loucinda asked T.A if I taught him anything and T.A. saidthat was too long to remember!

The Gilliland' store at Wing had a grand opening shin-dig Saturday night. Bobby Neil Melton brought his Piggy's Bar-BQ truck and he and his crew cooked and fed us. I heard one guy say he'd never seen so many people that he did not know--in one place. There was really a crowd. I stood in line of two hours to get my food! I understand Bobby Neil said heserved in the neighborhood of 290 meals. I was fascinated by a 1928 green, Dodge owned by Dick Gilliland. Also Jess Gilliland had a 1964 Ford Mustang there. While standing in line for the two hours, I got acquainted with Nancy Rhoades, Fay Rhoades, that I have known all my life, is her father in law.

After services in our Rover Baptist Church Sunday night we had home-made ice cream andcake and cookies. Sarah Light made a delicious sugar free ice cream that diabetic David Garrett and I could enjoy.

What is the most effective sleeping pill? Peace of mind.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Hand in Hand With Jesus

Gravelly news by Glenna Goodson

Three Arkansas surgeons were playing golf together and discussing surgeries they had performed.One said,"I'm the best surgeon in Ar. In my favorite case a concert pianist lost seven fingers in an accident. I reattached them, and 8 months later he performed a private concert for the Queen of England. The second surgeon said,"That's nothing.A young man lost an arm and both legs in an accident. I reattached them and 2 years later he won a gold medal in track and field events in the Olympics. he third surgeon siad, "You guys are amateurs." Several years ago a woman was high on cocaine and she rode her horse head-on into a train traveling 80 miles an hour. All I had left to work with was the woman's head of blonde hair and the horse's rear end.I was able to put them together and now she is running for President.

Now a Postmaster/postmistress must scan all paper money with the exception of one dollar bills,to see if they are counterfeit bills. Can you believe that? I told Gale Damon, our postmistress at Gravelly, imagine thinking there woujld be any counterfeit bills in Gravelly, Ar. She said "Well, i got one." Of course the guy that had the bill did not know where he got it. One postmaster skanned one and the fellow siad he got it at his bank!!! Can't you just imagine how long this process will take in large cities?

Scott Theatre has opened up again in Waldron. It has been closed for many years and Iam glad it is open again.I understand that the first night they were open, they had to turn people away because they ran out of room.The night before Fred and I married we went to the Scott Theatre and saw the movie Godzilla!!That was 54 years ago!!!

John Meredith loaned me a copy of a history of Scott County written by Wanda Gray. It is so interesting to read about the early days of Scott County. One lady mentioned was named Rebecca Ann Highfill. Rebecca was married to Alvin Self. I called my Highfill cousins and they were gong to e-mail their cousin Will Highfill that has done an extensive genelogy on the Highfills. Before he retired, Will was a librarian at Auburn University..Rebecca Ann and her husband lived in Blue Ball(Dutch Creek)and Uncle Loy Highfill and others in his famly lived there at one time.Will does not think the Roy Highfill of Plainview is their family of Highfills. None of Uncle Loy's family of Highfill's came from Missouri and I think some ofRoy's family did.

In talking about their family's brief time in Dutch Creek, Bill Highfill said ofthe 6 children in his Mom's and Dad's family, all of them were born in Gravelly except Mary Lee,who was born in Dutch Creek. They had moved back to Gravelly and one day Uncle Loy told Billy to go to Austin Payne's and play with Charles Ray all day.When Billy got back home, there was a new baby girl, named Sue Ann. Billy tells his Dad that he's never gong to go play with Charles Ray again cause they had enough kids.!!

My cousin Leah Highfill of N. Little Rock is doing better now. They have home health that assists them. Bob, Leah's husband, wants to express his gratitude to Dr. Joe Lee Buford who is Leah's M..D. Bob is thankful for Joe Lee's care of Leah and for being a friend to them.

Last Thursday, Charles and Rita Daniel of Hot Springs Village, Loucinda Buford and myself first met at Bill Workman's at Gravelly for a hamburger.Then we wentto the Pet Registry where Gary and Sheila Garner and some fo the employees ofthe registry assisted us in the completion of envelopes and letters, informing former students of FV.. ofthe upocoming reunion October 13th. Sherry Crossmo used a disc Loucinda had prepared to address all the envelopes. his was a long process forthis young lady and we really appreciate her. ary used a machine to type and run off our letters--this also took a lot of time and we can never thank Gary enough.Sheila was right there to help when needed and she told Rita, Loucinda and me of hers and Gary's trip to China last month. Holly Jones took the letters and used a machine to fold them. We want to thank Holly also. All of these mentioned saved our F.V. committee hours of time. We brought the folded letters andthe envelopes back to my house andstuffedthe envelopes and stamped them. Now they are ready to mail.

I stopped at FV Friday to see my sister, Kathy, and got to see Sharon Lambert's baby grandson, Cheyenne's baby.His name is Karston Elias Lott.I told Sharon when he begins school he will not have to worry about a lor of boys having his name. I really like that name.

Friday I was gladto see John Young at Fowlers.I always enjoy talking with John because we share a lot of the same ideas about education. Since his retirement, he is enjoying his work in real estate. I know John is a good realtor. He was on his way to Gravelly to show some property to people from Florida.

Sunday at the Wing Community Church we were so honored to have Joe and Janet Harrison visit us. Janice James was so glad to have somene help her sing, that we sang several songs andthey sounded so good!!Janice sang a special, "Hand in Hand With Jesus".She said this was the favorite song of Charley Jones of Gravelly.Janice is like me in that both of us loved to hear Charley sing. I thought i would never hear another bass voice like Charley's and then I was blessed to be in the Rover Baptist Church with William Price. William blesses my heart with his outstanding bass voice, just as Charley did when I was young.

My dear friend, Melba McCormick Reed, will celebrate her birthday the 18th, at the home of her daughter, Karen of Waldron.Now Melba will be as old as I am. Happy birthday, Melba!!!

Another Burma Shave sign:::______Don't lose your head----to gain a minute----you need your head---your brains are in it.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Pulled a fish on to the bank

Gravelly news by Glenna Goodson

Two young boys walked into a pharmacy one day, picked out a box of tampons and proceeded to the check out counter. The man at the counter asked the older boy, Son how old are you?""Eight", the boy replied. The man continued, "Do you know what these are used for?" The boy replied,"Not exactly, but they're not for me. They're for him.He's my brother.He's four. We saw on TV that if you use these you would be able to swim and ride a bike. Right now, he can't do either one."

It's so much fun to go to Bill Workman's store. People come in and we sit and have fun, visiting---Jamie Pickens came in last Tuesday. He told me about a truck driver and a Texas Patrolman.. The truck driver was speeding in Texas and the patrolman,with his siren blasting, pulled the driver over. The patrolman came up to the truck driver and said,"I've been waiting for you all day." The truck driver says, I got here as fast as I could." The Texas patrolman thought that was so funny he only gave the truck driver a warning.!Trying to be funny did not work for Fred one time.At one time he worked for Douglas Aircraft in Tulsa on the night shift. Coming home at 2 am one morning, he ran a stop sign. There was a cop right there that pulled him over--Fred saysThere was not any traffic so I just "oozed" instead of stopping. Thge cop says"the sign did not say "ooze" it said "stop" and he gave Fred a ticket.

I had taken a book I was reading into Bill's store. Bill was looking at it and said he did not have time to read and Jamie voiced the same excuse.I told them everyone should read--that it would make them smart--Jamie says,"well I've found out--if you're going to be dumb, you've got to be tough."I had never heard that but decided it was probably true.

I saw LaVan Robinson last Wednesday. LaVan is one of my favorite preachers. He told me that his daughter, Sarah, models for Dillards. I am proud for her.

Katie,Robbie Fickle's daughter, was working for Bill Saturday. Katie told me that her mother was doing well and and I was so glad. Katie's son, Kyle, is still stationed in Baghdad. Kyle received another promotion last week. He told his mother that the temperature was 130 degrees over there.And we thought it was hot here!!

I traveled to Waldron last Thursday. I re-joined Weight Watchers. Later, I finally contacted my cousin, Dortha Putman, and she met me at Char Broiler. Her brother, Ted Copeland, has written us a new Fourche Valley reunion song. I think Dortha told me it was to the tune of "My Darling Clementine."That should be good and peppy!!

John Meredith has rented his house, the former Bea Neighbor's house. Brittany Powell has rented it for herself and her beautiful baby girl. I am so proud of Brittany and my niece Ashly Swaim because even though with babies for which they are responsible, they are still in college seeking to better their lives.

A man came into Bill Workman's store and noticed a big picture of a deer on the wall. He says"I wish I could kill one of them.A woman in the store says "I have killed 6--with my car!"

Kelly Virbel came to visit our church services at Wing Sunday. We were so very glad she came. I finished teaching a little early and went on to my church at Rover. I was just taking my time--went into a classroom and looked around--I entered the santuary and here came Chris Light and said "Glenna, you are supposed to play the ;piano today." I had forgotten but Chris had the songs ;picked out so it was okay.Then Sunday night I went early to Rover so Chris and I could practice and Bethany, his daughter was gong to sing a solo and we practiced. Bethany does such a good job singing and I love to play for her.There's nothing more wonderful then to feel the presence of the Lord in your church and ;listen to a pastor that always brings the word of God so clearly. But as I was leaving Johnny Turner says, "Did you comb your hair before you came to church ?"and I had to admit "No, i did not":and Johnny said to please go home and fix my hair before i went out in public again.

I always enjoy news from Dr. Shelly Tippin concerning her beautiful children. Dr. Shelly andDr. Phillip's son Alex is 3 and their daughter, Taylor, is 4.Dr. Shelly e-mailed me about a fishng time in the Tippin pond. Taylor and Aex got bites within seconds of one another. .Both children Gravelly news by Glenna Goodson

Two young boys walked into a pharmacy one day, picked out a box of tampons and proceeded to the check out counter. The man at the counter asked the older boy, Son how old are you?""Eight", the boy replied. The man continued, "Do you know what these are used for?" The boy replied,"Not exactly, but they're not for me. They're for him.He's my brother.He's four. We saw on TV that if you use these you would be able to swim and ride a bike. Right now, he can't do either one."

It's so much fun to go to Bill Workman's store. People come in and we sit and have fun, visiting---Jamie Pickens came in last Tuesday. He told me about a truck driver and a Texas Patrolman.. The truck driver was speeding in Texas and the patrolman,with his siren blasting, pulled the driver over. The patrolman came up to the truck driver and said,"I've been waiting for you all day." The truck driver says, I got here as fast as I could." The Texas patrolman thought that was so funny he only gave the truck driver a warning.!Trying to be funny did not work for Fred one time.At one time he worked for Douglas Aircraft in Tulsa on the night shift. Coming home at 2 am one morning, he ran a stop sign. There was a cop right there that pulled him over--Fred saysThere was not any traffic so I just "oozed" instead of stopping. Thge cop says"the sign did not say "ooze" it said "stop" and he gave Fred a ticket.

I had taken a book I was reading into Bill's store. Bill was looking at it and said he did not have time to read and Jamie voiced the same excuse.I told them everyone should read--that it would make them smart--Jamie says,"well I've found out--if you're going to be dumb, you've got to be tough."I had never heard that but decided it was probably true.

I saw LaVan Robinson last Wednesday. LaVan is one of my favorite preachers. He told me that his daughter, Sarah, models for Dillards. I am proud for her.

Katie,Robbie Fickle's daughter, was working for Bill Saturday. Katie told me that her mother was doing well and and I was so glad. Katie's son, Kyle, is still stationed in Baghdad. Kyle received another promotion last week. He told his mother that the temperature was 130 degrees over there.And we thought it was hot here!!

I traveled to Waldron last Thursday. I re-joined Weight Watchers. Later, I finally contacted my cousin, Dortha Putman, and she met me at Char Broiler. Her brother, Ted Copeland, has written us a new Fourche Valley reunion song. I think Dortha told me it was to the tune of "My Darling Clementine."That should be good and peppy!!

John Meredith has rented his house, the former Bea Neighbor's house. Brittany Powell has rented it for herself and her beautiful baby girl. I am so proud of Brittany and my niece Ashly Swaim because even though with babies for which they are responsible, they are still in college seeking to better their lives.

A man came into Bill Workman's store and noticed a big picture of a deer on the wall. He says"I wish I could kill one of them.A woman in the store says "I have killed 6--with my car!"

Kelly Virbel came to visit our church services at Wing Sunday. We were so very glad she came. I finished teaching a little early and went on to my church at Rover. I was just taking my time--went into a classroom and looked around--I entered the santuary and here came Chris Light and said "Glenna, you are supposed to play the ;piano today." I had forgotten but Chris had the songs ;picked out so it was okay.Then Sunday night I went early to Rover so Chris and I could practice and Bethany, his daughter was gong to sing a solo and we practiced. Bethany does such a good job singing and I love to play for her.There's nothing more wonderful then to feel the presence of the Lord in your church and ;listen to a pastor that always brings the word of God so clearly. But as I was leaving Johnny Turner says, "Did you comb your hair before you came to church ?"and I had to admit "No, i did not":and Johnny said to please go home and fix my hair before i went out in public again.

I always enjoy news from Dr. Shelly Tippin concerning her beautiful children. Dr. Shelly andDr. Phillip's son Alex is 3 and their daughter, Taylor, is 4.Dr. Shelly e-mailed me about a fishng time in the Tippin pond. Taylor and Aex got bites within seconds of one another. .Both children pulled a fish on to the bank about the same time.These were the first fish caught by Alex and Taylor. I was amused by Dr. Shelly's statement that God was good because if one child had caught a fish and the other had not--one woujld have cried tears of joy and the other would have cried in frustration.

Another Burma Shave sign----Hardly a driver is now alive---who passed on hills--at 75.about the same time.These were the first fish caught by Alex and Taylor. I was amused by Dr. Shelly's statement that God was good because if one child had caught a fish and the other had not--one woujld have cried tears of joy and the other would have cried in frustration.

Another Burma Shave sign----Hardly a driver is now alive---who passed on hills--at 75.