Monday, April 16, 2007

Lordy what a big deer

Gravellly news by Glenna Goodson

A young minister was asked by a funeral director to hold a grave-side service for a homeless man, with no family or friends. he funeral was to be held at a cemetery way back in the country, and this man would be the first to be laid to rest thereThe minister was not familiar with the backwoods area, he became lost and being a typical man ,did not stop for directions.He finally arrived an hour late. He saw the backhoe and the crew, who was eating lunch, but the hearse was nowhere in sight. The minister apologized to the workers for his tardiness and stepped to the side ofl the open grave where he saw the vault lid already in place. He assured the workers he would not hold them up for long, but this was the proper thing to do. The workers gathered around, still eating their lunch. The minister poured out his heart and soul. As he preached, the workers began to say, "Amen," "Praise the Lord," and "Glory"! He preached and preached like he'd never preached before:from Genesis all the way to Revelation. He closed the service with a prayer and walked to his car. As the minister was opening the car door and taking off his coat, he overheard one of the workers saying to another, "I ain't never seen anything like that before and I've been puttin' in septic tanks for twenty years."

Jonnie Sue Gillum Willis passed away April 11th at the Mena nursing home. Loucinda and Harold and Louise Gillum had been to see her that afternoon and Jonnie died not long after they left. Jonnie was one ofthe strongest persons I ever knew. Polio left her with the use of only one arm when she was a Junior in school at F.V. She penned diapers on her babies, cooked, canned vegetables, and taught herself to do with one arm what most people do with two. She was always an optimistic person and kind and loving. She loved to teach the Word of God and was a great Bible teacher.:People praised her because she was really worthy of praise. I will sincerely miss my friend.

Well, it finally happened!!I hit a deer two weeks ago on Saturday night.I know, I know that the deer are always on that stretch of road between Wing and Bluffton and I try to always be prepared but that sucker was standing right there in the middle of the road and I did not see her until I was ready to hit her.Lordy what a big deer. I drove my car the rest ofthe way home but I guess my Camry I have realy loved to drive has hit the dust. It can't be driven and would cost more to fix then the car is worth. A wonderful Christian friend has loaned me a '91 Cadillac to drive. It is so amazing how God sends people into our lives when we need a helping hand.

I went to Dr. Sandberg a couple of weeks ago to have this strange looking thing removed from my face. I have forgotten the medical name for it but I know it looked as if it was growing legs!! The nurse was getting things ready and I say "Is the shot going to hurt?" Carla says"there will be a stick" Now have you ever noticed when a nurse says"there will be a stick" it's gonna half kill yu? Dr. Sandberg came in and Isay"Is the deadening shot going to hurt ?" and he says"Yes." I ask am I gonna holler and he says "Probably." Well, i just hollered once and then I was good and that awful looking thing is off my face.

Last week on Monday afternoon I traveled to Story to visit my friend, Melba Reed. You turn off on Friendship Road before you get to Story. You guessed it, I got lost. I turned down a log road. But I finally found the correct road. Melba and I went to a Caddo River S. Baptist Associational meeting at First Baptist Mt. Ida. What a beautiful church they have ! I really enjoyed all the meetings--especially the women's prayer conference. I spentthe night with Melba and the next day we went shopping in Hot Springs. Melba's daughter, Glenda, teaches Kdgn. in Oaklawn school in Hot Springs and we stopped and visited with her during her lunch time. I really enjoyed viewing Glenda's interesting room.. Melba and I really had a good time shopping, We got home so late that I spent another night with them andcame back home on Wednesday..I hadsuch a wonderful time.

Easter Sunday after church Loucinda and I ate in Danville at Little John's.Orlan Ray Thomas was there and we invited him to join us. We had a good visiting time .Orlan Ray used to sing at the same singings as my Dad and it des me good to hear him talk about the singings.

Easter Sunday, Dr. Sandberg, Kelly Virbel, his niece, and Joe and Janet Harrison visited our Wing Community Church. We were blessed with their presence. Dr. Sandberg led the music for us.

I saw Chuck McCool at Plainview Fowler's recently.He said he had stopped at Joe's barber shop to get a hair cut. Chuck says, "Joe doesn't charge me for a hair cut anymore, he charges me a ":finder's fee."

My friend Johnny Turner of Rover had a stint placed in the lower part of his heart a couple of weeks ago in a Little Rock hospital. I saw Johnny at church Sundayand heseems to be dong well for which I am thankful.

Recently,I was at Emerson's store at Rover. My Camry needed oil but I could not find how to raise the hood. I also could not get it started.. Mark Wagner was my knight in shining armor and put the oil in the car for me. I appreciated Mark's help. He says"Mr. Glenna Jean, what do you need?" I knew this was J.B"s son because J. B is the only one that still calls me by my full name and now Mark does the same. I kinda like that--takes me back to teen age years. I told Billy Hunnicutt thecar would not start and he looked to see what I was doing and he said"Well, you have it in drive" so when i put it in Park it started..

My sister, Kathy's birthday was the 12th ofthis month. I took them to Little John's to celebrate her birthday. Never will i forget when she was born when I was 17 years of age, at Sparks Hospital at Fort Smith. She was the most beautiful baby I have ever seen--lots of black hair, clear skin--andbig blue eyes. When she was two, that black hair turned blonde andshe had long blonde curls until my mother cut it when she was about 4 .She was a blessing to my parents, my brother, and me--she still blesses me.!

Think on this: Trouble in marriage often starts when a man gets so busy earning his salt, that he forgets his sugar.


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